
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type Banking law No 007/2008 of april 8, 2008
document type Law No. 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures
document type Banking regulation No 03/2008 on licensing banks
document type Commissioner General’s Rules Nº 001/2007 of 15/06/2007 Implementing the Law Nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005
document type Commissioner General's Rules No 01-2001 of 01.08.2001 Governing VAT (Made under law No06/2001 of 20/
document type Commissionner General Rules No 007/2009 of 07/12/2009 implementing the Law no 16/2005 of 18/08/2005
document type Communiqué on new standard rates for visa fees (2016)
document type General guidelines and procedure for environment impact assesment
document type Guide to the international registration of industrial designs under The Hague agreement - (updated January 2015)
document type Instruction No 01/10 of 30/05/2010 of Kigali City council setting prices for land lease and related
document type Law modifying and complementing law No. 06/2001 of 20/01/2001 on the code of value added tax
document type Law n° 006/2021 of 05/02/2021 on investment promotion and facilitation
document type Law N° 007/2021 of 5/02/2021 governing companies
document type Law N° 04/2011 of 23/03/2011 on immigration and emigration in Rwanda
document type Law N° 06/2001 of 20.01.2001 on the Code of Value Added Tax.
document type Law n° 06/2003 of 22 March 2003 amending and supplementing Decree-Law of 22 August 1974 on organization of social security
document type Law N° 12/2009 of 26/05/2009 relating to commercial recovery and settling of issues arising from ins
document type Law N° 24/2011 of 29/06/2011 modifying and completing Law 26/2006 of 27/05/2006 determining and esta
document type Law N° 25/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and complementing law N°06/2001 OF 20/01/2001 on the code of
document type Law n° 26/2006 of 27.05.2006 determining and establishing consumption tax on Some imported and local
document type Law N° 40/2008 of 26/08/2008 establishing the organisation of Micro Finance activities
document type Law N°05/2011 of 21/03/2011 regulating special economic zones in Rwanda
document type Law N°05/2011 of 21/03/2011 regulating special economic zones in Rwanda
document type Law N°17/2010 of 12/05/2010 establishing and organising the real property valuation profession
document type Law No 11/2009 of 14/05/2009 on Security Interests in Movable Property
document type Law No 14/2010 of 07/05/2010 modifying and complementing the Companies Act
document type Law No 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on Direct Taxes on Income
document type Law Nº 18/2010 of 12/05/2010 relating to electronic messages, electronic signatures and electronic t
document type Law No. 27/2004 of 03/12/2004 modifying and complementing law No. 25/2002 of 18/07/2002 fixing the
document type Law on mortgages
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